Ant Sugar’s Sweet Business

ant sugar

The rise in popularity of healthy living has led to an increasing demand for ant sugar, not only within local markets but also for export. Numerous ant sugar centers have emerged throughout Central Java (including Batang Regency, Cilacap Regency, Banyumas Regency, and Banjarnegara Regency) and Yogyakarta (Kulonprogo Regency). Although these centers have been established for some time, the management of the trade system has improved over the years.

Ant sugar, also known as crystal sugar, is produced from brown sugar that has been crushed into powder. Only about 60-70% of nira production can be processed into ant sugar. Ant sugar boasts various advantages, such as practical and immediate use, and can last up to 1.5-2 years on the shelf. It is suitable for consumption by diabetics and those adhering to a diet.

As noted, the trend towards healthy lifestyles has driven up the demand for ant sugar. For instance, a Jakarta-based exporter can annually export 200 tons of ant sugar to the United State, Canada, and several countries in the European Union.

Creating opportunities for the economic development of the villages that engage in ant sugar production activities. The One Village One Product (OVOP) initiative facilitates this progress. OVOP is a regional development strategy aimed at boosting the economy of the relevant region. The OVOP concept originated in Oita, Japan, and has since been adopted by various countries. Since 2008, Indonesia’s Ministry of Industry has been implementing the OVOP program to promote the potential of small and medium handicraft industries.

Kulonprogo district in Yogyakarta is one of the OVOPs for ant sugar. In 2012, the district, covering an area of 586 square kilometre, produced 225 tonnes of ant sugar. In 2013, the production volume of ant sugar from Kulonprogo Regency increased to 450-500 tons, meeting both local and export demand. The product has also received organic certification according to export market standards.


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