Mini Hedgehog Obesity

mini hedgehog

Mini hedgehogs are prone to obesity because they are often overfed. Certain mini hedgehog foods, such as chicken skin, which contains fat, are known to trigger obesity. Additionally, hobbyists often feed wet cat food, which can also lead to obesity in miniature hedgehogs.

An adult mini hedgehog should ideally weigh between 250-300 grams. If the mini hedgehog weighs more than this, it is considered obese. As long as the mini hedgehog remains active, both inside and outside of its cage, the risk of obesity is minimal. If the miniature hedgehog prefers to stay still and move little, excess food in its body will be stored as fat.

Obesity can be dangerous for miniature hedgehogs as it can threaten their lives. Respiratory systems, such as the heart and lungs, can malfunction, and other organs, such as the liver, can also be affected by excess body weight. Liver problems can cause weakness and loss of appetite in mini hedgehogs, and may even lead to death.


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