Care of Anthurium Plants for Competition

anthurium plant

Anthurium plants that are eligible for the competition must meet specific criteria, including stable leaf color, regular leaf growth, and a plant figure that matches the pot. Routine Anthurium plant care involves administering vitamin B1 every 5-6 days at a dose of 1 cc/liter of water. Apply the vitamin by spraying it under the surface of the leaves, and pour any remaining vitamin on the planting medium.

Pests can damage the plant’s appearance. To control insect pests in chili, cotton, corn, and onion crops, regularly apply broad-spectrum organophosphate insecticides made from the active ingredients profenofos (PF) and chlorpyrifos (CP). When using on anthurium plants, apply at a dose of 1 cc/liter of water or follow the recommended dose.

Additionally, dry the plants routinely about 3-4 weeks before the competition. Sunbathe the plants in the morning at 08.00-09.00 to brighten and solidify the leaf color of the anthurium plant.

One method for maintaining the health of anthurium plants is to regularly water the leaves by spraying them with water in the afternoon. The planting media should be watered once every 3-4 days. Before competitions, it is recommended to wipe the anthurium leaves to remove any dirt and give them a shiny appearance.


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