Advantages of Moringa Plant

moringa benefit

The part of the Moringa plant (Moringa oleifera) that is widely used is the leaves. Most herbalists prescribe Moringa leaves for their many benefits such as treating diabetes mellitus and anemia.

Especially for anemia, Moringa leaves are now available in the form of pancakes. This is the result of research by Kusmiyati and colleagues from the Faculty of Public Health, University of Indonesia. They processed iron-rich moringa leaves into flour and then served it in the form of pancakes.

In addition to the leaves, it turns out that Moringa flowers, roots, and bark are also effective. Moringa stem bark is effective in overcoming snake and scorpion venom. The same is true for Moringa roots to reduce swelling and canker sores, as researched by Nuraini Istiqomah from the Faculty of Pharmacy, Padjadjaran University in 2007. Another benefit of Moringa flower decoction is to treat sore throat.

Plants of the Moringaceae family that thrive at an altitude of 300-500 meters above sea level can overcome hepatitis. Hepatitis can be caused by viral infections or bad lifestyle habits such as alcohol consumption, drugs, lack of rest, and excessive fat consumption. Moringa leaves act as a hepatoprotector.


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