How to Train Fukiganashi Style Bonsai

fukinagashi bonsai

The Fukinagashi style of bonsai is fascinating. The appearance of this style is seen with the bonsai trunk tilted, almost falling to the ground. This style of bonsai implies a fighting spirit and a desire for progress.

The bonsai style called windswept is inspired by the seaside trees whose branches and twigs are tilted to one side by the wind. This character is translated by the bonsai person.

Not all types of trees can be made into Fukinagashi style bonsai. The main requirement is that the trunk is not large, the roots are flexible, and the leaves are small, like the original character of beach trees. The types of trees used are beach trees such as Crocodile Pine (Juniperus horisontalis), Thorn Pine (Juniperus rigida), Shrimp Pine (Casuarina equisetifolia), and Santigi (Pemphis acidula).

Fukinagashi-style bonsai can be achieved through training in the handling of trunks, branches, and twigs. The wiring shapes the trunk, branches, and twigs to grow in the desired direction. A coil of wire at the lower base of the trunk is hooked into the pot to hold the plant firmly in place. Allow the branches to grow to the left and right. If you want to give the impression that the plant is leaning to the left, the branches and twigs that grow on the right should also be bent to the left. And vice versa.

During the treatment process, be careful not to damage the cambium of the tree. The treatment should not be too tight as this will damage the bark. Nor should it be too loose, as the results will not be good. It takes at least 5-6 years to form a Fukinagashi style bonsai.

The degree of inclination of the trunk is highly dependent on the bonsai person, as long as it still creates beauty. Remember to avoid growing the tree perpendicular or parallel to the pot, as this will aesthetically reduce the beauty.

Because the bonsai trunk is tilted, the placement of the Fukinagashi style bonsai in the pot must be precise. To make it look balanced, planting is done to the right of the center line of the pot when the trunk is pointing to the left. Conversely, if the trunk and branches are pointing to the right, planting is done on the left.


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