How Do I Get Rid of Ants that Ruin Mushrooms


Although they do not directly hurt, ants can degrade the quality of mushrooms. Ant nests have been discovered in baglog in certain instances, according to planters who reported these incidents to, making it challenging to build a mushroom hood. The most prevalent species include Anoplolepis gracilipes, Solenopsis geminata, and Paratrechina longicornis.

Because much of the mushroom barn’s frame is constructed of wood, ants find it comfortable to nest there, and there are signs that they can smell sucrose (sugar) on the baglog media. Spraying insecticide before the baglog enters the barn is a practical technique to keep the ants away.

This technique must be used in conjunction with mounting oil traps in a container on each frame leg or other area where ants can enter the baglog. Prevent the barn’s ground floor from becoming overly wet. As an alternative, you can place ant-friendly food in strategic locations around the barn’s exterior. Tuna fish in cans and honey make up the dish.


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