Traditional Medicine for Suppressing Appetite

noni fruit

Numerous medicinal plants have been empirically shown to have appetite-suppressing properties. These include temugiring (Curcuma heyneana), kemuning leaves (Murraya paniculata), noni fruit (Morinda citrifolia), and jati belanda (Guazuma ulmifolia).

These plants contain substances that are diuretic and capable of destroying body fat. Both of these effects are beneficial for overweight people who want to lose weight.

Temugiring, kemuning leaves, and noni fruit can stimulate the body’s metabolism to work more efficiently. Food can be quickly digested and converted into energy, preventing the body from storing it as fat. The body can be slimming because of this.

The impact of suppression of appetite is crucial in regulating how much food enters the body. It has a slimming effect on the body, especially for women. These plants are useful in increasing the body’s metabolic rate, which causes the body to burn stored fat for energy.

Noni fruit, kemuning leaves, jati belanda, and temugiring have all been shown to be safe for long-term use, taken twice two times a day, before meals. The recommended dosage of plant extracts is 50 grams of noni fruit and 25 grams each of kemuning leaves, temugiring, and jati belanda. To make the extract, boil the plants in two cups of water until only one cup is left.


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