A Guide to the Care of Cacti in Lowland Areas


Those engaged in the hobby of cultivating cacti in highland areas, such as Bandung (West Java), frequently express frustration that the cacti they have cultivated in lowland areas, such as Jakarta, often perish after being relocated to their original habitats.

It is essential to modify how the cactus is cared for to prevent its demise. One of the key considerations is the choice of planting media. It is important to note that the planting media utilized by horticulturists in highland areas may not be optimal for lowland areas.

Although there is no standard for the composition of cactus growing media, the growing medium must be dry and porous. A suitable planting medium can be prepared by combining poor sand, burnt husk, and manure in a ratio of 1:1:0.5. To enhance the pH and porosity of the growing medium, it is recommended to incorporate 5-10% zeolite into the mixture, calculated as a percentage of the total volume of the growing medium.

An alternative composition for cactus-growing media is a mixture of burnt husk, poor sand, manure, and compost in a ratio of 1:5:2.5:1. For those engaged in cactus cultivation within a terrarium, a suitable medium may be prepared by combining wood charcoal, moss, compost, and zeolite.

In a terrarium, wood charcoal is placed at the bottom of the terrarium. The objective is to facilitate the absorption of excess water, thereby preventing the formation of puddles. Subsequently, a layer of dried moss is placed on top of the charcoal, with a thickness of approximately one centimeter. The moss serves to store the water needed by the plants. Additionally, the soft texture of the moss serves to stabilize the cactus roots.

The subsequent step is to bury the compost to a depth equal to the length of the plant’s roots, concurrently with the planting of the cactus in the terrarium. Before its use, the compost must be sterilized. To achieve this, the compost is poured with hot water and then allowed to dry. The objective of sterilizing the compost is to eliminate pathogens that can lead to the development of cactus disease.

The zeolite should be placed on the surface of the terrarium. Zeolite contains some micronutrients that are essential for plant growth. Additionally, zeolite can be utilized as an indicator of the dryness of the growing medium. When zeolite is hydrated, it will exhibit a greenish hue. If the zeolite is gray-white, it is an indication that the cactus growing medium is dry and requires watering.


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