Benefits of Using Rabbit Pellets as Feed

rabbit feed

Pet shops sell rabbit pellets under many brand names. The advantage of rabbit pellets is that they are consistent in quality with complete nutrition and can be stored for a long time. Another advantage is that the cage is always clean. Pellets also do not have a strong ammonia odor.

Rabbits can eat non-vegetable feed if their nutritional and energy needs are met. Adult rabbits need feed that can produce about 2,500 calories/day of energy. The pelleted feed must be easily digested above 75%.

The use of rabbit pellets needs to pay attention to protein levels. Rabbit pellets products vary in protein content between 15-20%. The protein content will differ in its utilization. When pregnant rabbits need to feed pellets containing 18% protein, lactating females 20%, and for daily maintenance 15-16%.

Specifically for fattening rabbits, pellets with 18% protein can be used to increase the rate of weight gain. With this level of protein, rabbits can reach a minimum weight of 3 kg at the age of 5 months. Without pellets, the same weight is not achieved until the rabbit is over 7.5 months old.


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