Breast Cancer Treatment With Lotus

lotus plant

In Indonesia, breast cancer is the most prevalent type. 12/100,000 is the predicted incidence rate. Accordingly, 12 out of every 100,000 women have breast cancer. Sadly, the majority of individuals with breast cancer who are found have moved on to an advanced stage. Rehabilitation treatment is more challenging under these circumstances. Radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and hormone therapy are all examples of treatment options.

Breast cancer, which lumps in the breast as one of its hallmarks, is more likely to affect women who have certain characteristics, such as age over 50, family and genetic history (carrying gene mutations like BRCA1 and BRCA2), prior breast disease history, history of early menstruation before the age of 12, and slow menopause after the age of 55. Others include hormones, obesity, alcohol use, and reproductive history (no children or breastfeeding).

Gusti Ayu Nyoman Budiwati and Eniek Kriswiyanti investigation into the usage of lotus as a breast cancer herb from the Biology Department of Udayana University in Sumampan Traditional Village, Gianyar Regency, Bali revealed that lotus is utilized as a herbal component to treat breast cancer. Three betel leaves, half a candlenut seed, blue lotus leaves, and salt to taste make up the herb. After mashing everything together, the breast is coated with the mixture.


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