Characteristics of Garut Ram

garut ram

Superior garut rams and champion prospects are characterized by a sturdy and strong body with a pair of matching horns (merenah). Garut rams with these characteristics can fetch prices ranging from tens to tens of millions of rupiah.

In the competition, judges evaluate parts of the sheep’s body such as the face, earlobes, base of the horn (puhu), base of the lower horn (congo), horn length, and teeth. Coat color, body shape, bones, legs, and tail are also evaluated.

Each part of the sheep’s body that is graded has a type. Example of an earlobe. The garut ram has two types of earlobes, the very short type (rumpung) and the long earlobe type (ngabulu hiris). Especially in the ngabulu hiris type, the earlobe, though long, is still shorter than that of the local sheep. In judging, the earlobe of the rumpung type is more valuable than that of the ngabulu hiris type.

Similarly, the tail of the garut ram has two types, namely the rat tail (ngabuntut beurit) and the pigtail (ngabuntut bagong). In judging, garut rams with the ngabuntut bagong type of tail are more valuable than the ngabuntut beurit type of tail.

It is not easy for beginners to understand the characteristics of superior and future champion garut rams. Therefore, if you are interested in buying, visit garut ram breeders who are known for their superior production. Another way is to invite sheep experts to evaluate the garut ram.


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