Chrysanthemum Flower Tea Benefits

chrysanthemum flower

Chrysanthemum flower tea (Chrysanthemum sp) has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for its health benefits. It is brewed with hot water and consumed regularly to treat various ailments. Studies have shown that chrysanthemum flowers contain important compounds such as beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin B, and choline, which are necessary for fat metabolism.

Additionally, chrysanthemums also contain niacin compounds. Niacin is essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system and digestive tract. Chrysanthemum flowers contain iron, which aids in the transportation of oxygen throughout the body. Additionally, chrysanthemums are a good source of potassium and magnesium, which promote cardiovascular health.

In Indonesia, chrysanthemums are commonly used as cut flowers and are not typically consumed as food products. However, they contain flavonoid compounds such as quercitrin, myricetin, and luteolin-7-glucosides that have pharmacological effects, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antineoplastic, antidiabetic, and antibacterial properties.

Chrysanthemum tea is also known to have health benefits, such as treating acne, toothache, headache, and high blood cholesterol. Some people who consume chrysanthemum tea claim to experience increased alertness and improved breathing.


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