Coconut Water Growth Hormones

coconut water growth hormones

Coconut water (Cocos nucifera) contains natural growth hormones, specifically auxin (0.07 mg/liter) and cytokinin (5.8 mg/liter), which play a role in plant cell division. Studies have shown that soaking plant seeds in coconut water can accelerate the germination of

areca nut and princess palm seeds. Coconut water contains several elements, including potassium (K), calcium (Ca), sodium (Na), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), cuprum (Cu), and sulfur (S), which can promote the growth of various orchid plants, such as the tiger orchid Grammatophyllum scriptum and dendrobium, when administered at a dose of 250 ml.

Coconut water is also effective in propagating teak plants through stem cuttings. Research conducted in Lampung found that using a 100% concentration of coconut water yielded the best results for the growth of teak plant stem cuttings. The measurement parameters included the number of shoots, leaves, and roots, as well as the percentage of live plant cuttings.

The study also demonstrated that coconut water acted as a growth regulator for teak stem cuttings, particularly in terms of root development and the percentage of live cuttings. Teak stem cuttings that did not receive coconut water or were given only a 25% concentration did not form roots.


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