GP1 Pineapple Clone

GP1 pineapple clone

A GP1 pineapple clone that received a PVP accreditation is produced by PT Great Giant Pineapple in Lampung. The pineapple has bright yellow flesh and a flavor that is sweet yet slightly acidic, reaching a sweetness level of up to 13 degrees brix level. The productivity of GP1 pineapple, which is relatively resistant to blight due to the fungus Phythoptora sp, reaches 25-40 tons per hectare.

Soil iron has antagonistic effects on the uptake of many essential nutrients, leading to poor growth and consequently reduced yields. Reasearch by M. Ikhsan Effendi and friends at Brawijaya University in 2015 shows that increasing iron concentration reduces the growth and biomass of all three clones, but GP1 is more tolerant than other pineapple clones (GP3 and F180).


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