Harvest of Gedonggincu Mango

gedonggincu mango

What is the gedonggincu mango producing age? If given the right care and fertilization, Mangifera indica from Majalengka Regency, West Java, can produce for 25 to 40 years. At that time, gedonggincu mango harvest ranged from 300 to 500 kilograms per tree per year. Following that, the production of gedonggincu mangos fell to 75–100 kilograms per tree each year.

The gedonggincu mango is often compared to the alphonso mango from India because of its beautiful reddish appearance when ripe. The higher price of gedonggincu mangoes compared to other varieties is due to several factors. For example, while the arum manis mango costs around IDR20,000 to IDR30,000 per kilogram, gedonggincu mangoes start at around IDR40,000 per kilogram. There is a reason for this price difference; since their emergence in the early 2000s, gedonggincu mangoes have been priced higher.


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