Health Benefits of Alang-alang

benefits alang alang

Imperata cylindrica, commonly known as alang-alang, is considered a weed in cultivated plants. Despite its potential health benefits, such as curing heatiness, it should be approached with caution. Heatiness is a condition caused by various triggers, including fatigue, digestive and throat disorders, and unbalanced hormones. Consumption of spicy and oily foods can also trigger heatiness.

In the medical field, heatiness is associated with inflammation in the body. Certain illnesses that are frequently linked to heatiness are acute respiratory infections (ARI), throat irritation, and increased stomach acid (acid reflux).

The root of the alang-alang plant is used to treat heatiness. To prepare it, mash the roots of alang-alang and boil them with 3 cups of water until only 2 cups remain. A small amount of lime juice can be added to make it more refreshing when consumed.

Alang-alang plants contain various compounds, such as imperanene, silindrin, simiarenol, silindol, fernenol, isoarburinol, stigmasterol, b-sitosterol, scopoletin, scopolin, catechol, and chlorogenic acid. The combination of silindol and imperanene compounds, for example, is useful as an anti-inflammatory. Another compound, scopoletin, can prevent constriction of blood vessels.

The roots of alang-alang have been used for generations to treat high blood pressure or hypertension. People in Muna Regency, Southeast Sulawesi will boil some niiwe bark (Cocos nucifera) and alang-alang roots for hypertension. The combination of plants is also effective in facilitating micturition.


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