Impact of Agricultural Climate on Arumanis Mango Cultivation

mango variety

Looking at mango farming areas such as Indramayu (West Java), Situbondo and Pasuruan (East Java), have similar agricultural climate and produce mangoes with excellent taste. These areas have a hot climate with few clouds and 8 to 10 hours of sunshine per day.

From the experience of the planters, when arumanis mangoes are grown outside the agricultural climate conditions of the above areas, the plant productivity decreases, and the taste of fruit appears inferior.

Therefore, one possible solution for the cultivation of the Anacardiaceae family is to grow introduced mango varieties. In Indonesia, introduced mangoes have proven to be better adapted to different agroclimates, such as Nam Dok Mai, Irwin, and Chokanan from Thailand.

The production rates of these imported mangoes are also almost the same. These mangoes bear fruit quickly and the harvest time is controllable. Caring for introduced mangoes is relatively easy because they are resistant to fruit fly attacks, which can cause losses for planters.


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