Orange Gerga Kerinci

orange gerga kerinci

Orange gerga kerinci is a popular fruit in the Kerinci Regency of Jambi. Located in the Bukit Kerman District, Lolo Kecil Village has been offering agrotourism centered around orange gerga kerinci since 2016. Visitors can enjoy the distinctive taste and aroma of the gerga oranges from Lolo Kecil Village, which are known for being sweet and fragrant. The village is conveniently located just a 40-minute drive away from Sungai Penuh City in Jambi.

The Bukit Kerman District was established in 2012 through the consolidation of areas formerly belonging to Batang Merangin and Gunung Raya Districts. Encompassing approximately 391.50 square kilometers, the district consists of 14 villages. As of mid-2022, the district has a population of approximately 99,233.


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