Pet Rabbit Price and Popular Variety

pet rabbit

Pet rabbits were popular between 2008 and 2011. Hobbyists and rabbit shops, such as those in Bandung, Jakarta, Bogor and Yogyakarta, still exist today, although their numbers are small. The netherland dwarf and english angora are two popular rabbit breeds, with prices ranging from IDR80,000 to IDR150,000 per head at two months old.

Others include mini lop (IDR150,000-IDR175,000/head 2 months old), 2-color rex (IDR150,000-IDR200,000/head 3 months old), 3-color rex (IDR250,000-IDR300,000/head 3 months old), flemish giant (IDR800,000-IDR1 million/head 5-6 months old), angora giant (IDR175,000-IDR200,000/head 3 months old), fuzzy lop (IDR80,000-IDR150,000/head 2 months old), and holland lop (IDR100,000-IDR150,000/head 2 months old).


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