Prospects for Developing a Rose Business

rose flower

The rose has the potential to be a thriving business due to its many benefits and the versatility of its uses. In regions well-known for cut rose production like Batu (Malang, East Java) and Lembang (Bandung Regency, West Java), there is a growing trend in demand for roses for a variety of purposes including ornamental display and cut flower arrangements.

Consumers of roses prefer light-colored flower patterns as they create an illusion of depth. Passion roses, known for their deep and dark red color and large size, are particularly preferred. The most popular cut roses based on color patterns include pink, red, bright orange, white, yellow, and various color combinations.

Varieties of roses, such as thornless roses, orange roses, salem roses, and fanta roses, are developed in response to consumer demands. The rose production includes pergiwo, pergiwati, mirah fila, green kalla, and luciana roses, which consumers in regions like Bali, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Jakarta, Surabaya, Solo, and Lombok highly absorb.

In addition to the sale of cut roses, another possible marketing opportunity is selling rose polybags that can be used for garden purposes or as yard decoration. An example of this is found in the planters located in Sidomulyo Village, Batu, Malang. These rose polybags are nurtured for 4-5 months and can be sold for IDR2,500-IDR3,000, with production costs of around IDR1,000 per plant.

Rose water is another marketing avenue to consider. It is widely used in the baking industry due to the distinctive aroma and flavor it provides. To make rose water, rose flowers should be boiled with water and sugar, and then filtered.


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