Select Tilapia Nirwana 3

Tilapia Nirwana 3

Tilapia nirwana 3 is a newer version of the nirwana 1 and 2 series, developed in 2006 and 2011, respectively. Bred from Tilapia and Mas Aquaculture Development Centre (BPBINM) in Wanayasa, Purwakarta, West Java, Nirwana 3 has several improved features compared to its predecessors.

It is considered a superior variety due to its growth rate, which is 23.41% faster than Nirwana 2, and its lower feed conversion ratio (FCR) of around 27.66% when kept in a calm water pond during a multisystem test. The percentage of Oreochromis niloticus was not significantly different when reared in swiftwater ponds compared to floating net cages (KJA).

However, it is worth noting that tilapia reared in floating net cages exhibited a 30% faster growth rate with an FCR of approximately 35%. This suggests that in tilapia farming using floating net cages, the fish can take advantage of natural food sources due to their omnivorous nature.
The advantage of Tilapia Nirwana 3, which has a slightly smaller head size than Tilapia Nirwana 2, is its high carcass percentage. For example, as a fillet, Tilapia Nirwana 3 can reach a carcass percentage of 39%.

With a fecundity of up to 3,000 eggs, Tilapia Nirwana 3 is a great choice for farmers to cultivate due to its savory and chewy meat flavor, which is favored by consumers.


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