Ways to Take Care of Mamey Sapote

mamey sapote

The mamey sapote (Pouteria sapota) is a popular tree among hobbyists to cultivate, particularly due to its sweet and savory fruit. The tree finds its origins in Mexico and Central America.

The fruit is known for its nutritional value which includes potassium and vitamins C and E. The care of mamey sapote tree is straightforward. Mamey sapote fruit is used in preparing drinks and ice cream.

The tree simply requires watering once a day, typically in the afternoon, and does not need any special attention. Next, apply 20 kilograms of goat manure every six months.

During the flowering period of the red mamey plant, administer a compound NPK 15:15:15 fertilizer at a monthly rate of one handful per adult hand for the mamey sapote. Combine this with an equal dose of guano fertilizer.

While mamey sapote trees are susceptible to few pests or diseases, if mealybugs are found on the plant’s leaves, immediately apply pesticide at one-fourth of the recommended dosage. Repeat this treatment every 2-3 days until the mealybugs are eradicated.


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